Elke Moritz

Senior Software Engineer, Lifescience Group, Visage Imaging, a subsidiary of Mercury Computer Systems, Berlin, Germany, since March 2006

Visiting Research Scholar at the Creative Interactive Visualization Laboratory at the University of California at Irvine, USA, September 2003 to December 2005

Research Assistant at the Computer Graphics Group at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, from May 2005 to September 2005

Research and Teaching Assistant at the Computer Graphics Group at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, from May 2002 to August 2003

Received M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, in 2002 and 1996

Visiting Research Scholar at the NSF Engineering Research Center at Mississippi State University, USA, from September 2001 to February 2002

Visiting Research Scholar at the Center for Image Processing and Integrated Computing (CIPIC) at the University of California at Davis, USA, from September 1998 to March 1999

Member of the LinuxTag e.V., organizers of the biggest Linux-Event in Europe

Research Interests

Virtual Reality, Human Computer Interaction and User Interfaces in Virtual Environments, Biomedical Imaging, Scientific Visualization, Geometric Modelling, Computer Graphics, GNU/Linux and Free Software, Scrum, Testing & Testplans


IEEE Visualization 2008 and InfoVis 2008, Columbus, OH: Reviewer
LinuxTag 2008, Berlin, Germany: Program Committee Member, Organizing Committee, Volunteer Co-Chair
IEEE Visualization 2007 and InfoVis 2007, Sacramento, CA: Reviewer
LinuxTag 2007, Berlin, Germany: Program Committee Member, Organizing Committee, Session Moderator
IEEE Visualization 2006, Baltimore, MA: Conference Committee Member, Reviewer
LinuxTag 2006, Wiesbaden, Germany: Program Committee Member
IEEE Visualization 2005, Minneapolis, MN: Reviewer
ACM SIGGRAPH 2005, Los Angeles, CA: Student Volunteer
LinuxTag 2005, Karlsruhe, Germany: Program Committee Member
IEEE Visualization 2004, Austin, TX: Poster Contributor, Interactive Demo Contributor
ACM SIGGRAPH 2004, Los Angeles, CA: Student Volunteer, Poster Contributor
LinuxTag 2004, Karlsruhe, Germany: Program Committee Member
IEEE BIBE 2004, Taichung, Taiwan: Presented Paper
IEEE Visualization 2003, Seattle, WA: Student Volunteer, Interactive Demo Contributor
LinuxTag 2003, Karlsruhe, Germany: Member of Organizing Team, Program Committee Member, Session Chair
IASTED VIIP 2002, Malaga, Spain: Presented Paper
LinuxTag 2002, Karlsruhe, Germany: Member of Organizing Team
Girls Go Informatik 2002, Dortmund, Germany: Invited Speaker, Exhibitor
Girls Go Informatik 2002, Leipzig, Germany: Exhibitor
IEEE Visualization 2001, San Diego, CA: Student Volunteer
LinuxTag 2001, Stuttgart, Germany: Member of Organizing Team
LinuxTag 2000, Stuttgart, Germany: Member of Organizing Team
SPIE Photonics West 2000, San Jose, CA: Presented Paper
LinuxTag 1999, Kaiserslautern, Germany: Member of Organizing Team
LinuxTag 1998, Kaiserslautern, Germany: Member of Organizing Team, Speaker, Exhibitor
LinuxTag 1997, Kaiserslautern, Germany: Member of Organizing Team

Girls Go Informatik 2006: invited speaker and presenter on "Computergraphics in Medicine and Technics" at the "Girls Go Informatik" event, organized by the German Computer Science Society (GI e.V.) in Mainz, Germany

Girls Go Informatik 2002: invited speaker and presenter on "Bioinformatics" at the "Girls Go Informatik" event, organized by the German Computer Science Society (GI e.V.) in Leipzig and Dortmund

LinuxTag: Founding member of LinuxTag e.V. (1999), since 1997 member of the core-team and the conference program committee of LinuxTag, the largest Linux-Event (Conference and Expo) in Europe

Unix-AG: member since 1995, system administrator from October 1997 to September 1998, member of the local Linux User Group since 1996

University of Kaiserslautern: worked on various projects with the Frauenbuero (Center for Women) from 1995 to 1997, was a tutor for freshmen during the orientation sessions in 1994 and 1996, and a member of the Fachschaftsrat Informatik (Student Committee at the Computer Science Department) from 1994 to 1997


Teaching Assistant:
89-030 Proseminar in Computer Graphics (Summer 2003)
89-030 Proseminar in Computer Graphics (Winter 2002/2003)
89-018 Software Laboratory (SWP) (Summer 2002)
Student Teaching Assistant: Tutor for the exercises for
89-009 "Higher Programming Languages (HPS)" (Summer 1999)
89-001 "Introduction to Computer Science" (Winter 1997/1998)


LinuxTag e.V.