
Peer-Reviewed Publications

Thomas Wischgoll, Elke Moritz, Joerg Meyer: Navigational Aspects of an Interactive 3D Exploration System for Cardiovascular Structures, in Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP 2005), September 7-9, 2005, Benidorm, Spain, pp. 721-726

Thomas Wischgoll, Elke Moritz, Joerg Meyer: A Quantitative Analysis Tool for Cardiovascular Systems, in Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Biomechanics (BioMech 2005), September 7-9, 2005, Benidorm, Spain, pp. 121-126

Elke Moritz and Joerg Meyer: Interactive 3D Protein Structure Visualization Using Virtual Reality, in Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Symposium on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (IEEE BIBE 2004), May 19-21, 2004, Taichung, Taiwan, pp. 503-507

Elke Moritz and Joerg Meyer: Virtual Exploration of Proteins, in Proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing (VIIP), September 9-12, 2002, Malaga, Spain, pp. 757-762

Elke Moritz, Falko Kuester, Bernd Hamann, Kenneth I. Joy, Hans Hagen: Towards Immersive Clay Modelling: Interactive Modelling with Octrees, in Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VII, John O. Merrit, Stephen A. Benton, Andrew J. Woods, Mark T. Bolas (eds.), Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3957, 2000, SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose, pp. 414-422

Elke Moritz: Von Schallplatte zu CD-ROM: CDDA, MP3, CD-R & Co. (From Vinyl to CD-ROM: CD-Recording and Audio Encoding), in LinuxTag 98 Conference Proceedings, and in LinuxMagazin 9/98, 1998, pp. 33-41, ISSN 1432-640X

Journal Publications

Elke Moritz, Thomas Wischgoll, Joerg Meyer: Comparison of Input Devices and Displays for Protein Visualization, ACM Crossroads, Special Issue on HCI, 12.2, Winter 2005, pp. 19-26

Elke Moritz: We'll Never Turn Back - Die Amerikanische Buergerrechtsbewegung (The American Civil Rights Movement), in MJZ - Mainzer Zeitschrift fuer Jurisprudenz, Heft 10, 2000, 20. Januar 2001, pp. 503-517, ISSN 1615-5025

Elke Moritz: Von Schallplatte zu CD-ROM: CDDA, MP3, CD-R & Co. (From Vinyl to CD-ROM: CD-Recording and Audio Encoding), in LinuxTag 98 Conference Proceedings, and in LinuxMagazin 9/98, 1998, pp. 33-41, ISSN 1432-640X

Conference Publications

Joerg Meyer, Thomas Wischgoll, Elke Moritz: Integrated Visualization and Analysis of a Pig's Cardiovascular System, Scientific Visualization: Challenges for the Future, Seminar No. 05231, June 05-10, 2005, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany


Thomas Wischgoll, Elke Moritz, and Joerg Meyer: Force-Feedback-Enhanced Navigation for Interactive Visualization of Coronary Vessels, IEEE Visualization 2004, Austin, Texas, 2004, Poster Compendium, pp. 137-138.

Thomas Wischgoll, Elke Moritz, and Joerg Meyer: The Vasculature of the Heart: An Interactive Guided Tour. SIGGRAPH 2004, Los Angeles, California, August 8-12, 2004.

Elke Moritz, Thomas Wischgoll, and Joerg Meyer: Virtual Exploration of a Cardiovascular System. The Fifth University of California Systemwide Bioengineering Symposium (UC Bioengineering Symposium 2004), Irvine, California, June 26-28, 2004.

Thomas Wischgoll, Elke Moritz, and Joerg Meyer, Quantitative Analysis of Blood Flow in a Cardiovascular System, Cal-IT2 Day, University of California, Irvine, 2003.


Thomas Wischgoll, Elke Moritz, and Joerg Meyer: Force-Feedback-Enhanced Navigation for Interactive Visualization of Coronary Vessels, IEEE Visualization 2004, Interactive Demos, Austin, Texas, 2004.

Thomas Wischgoll, Elke Moritz, and Joerg Meyer, Quantitative Analysis of Blood Flow in a Cardiovascular System, IEEE Visualization 2003, Interactive Demos, Seattle, Washington, 2003.


Elke Moritz: Large-scale Biomolecular Imaging in an Immersive Environment, Master Thesis, University of Kaiserslautern, 2002

Elke Moritz: Towards Rapid Prototyping With Immersive Clay Modelling: Exploring Volume Modelling in a Virtual Reality Environment, Project Thesis, University of Kaiserslautern, 2000